
Fill in the blanks with one of the quantifiers from the box (some can be used more than once). Need Help? Go to Basic Notions

any / both/ each / few / little / most / most of / no / some


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1. There are various kinds of "colour blindness", with very people unable to see colours at all and seeing everything in darker or lighter tones of grey. More usually people cannot see difference between red and green in dim light, and others cannot distinguish between red and green at all.

2. When grains and cereals are refined, the cellulose - or dietary fibre - is often removed. White rice and white flour, for example, contain nutritional value, as well as virtually fibre.

3. The genetic make-up of people is unique - a mixture of genes from parents. However, if a fertilized egg splits to form two embryos, resulting twin will have the same set of genes.

4. The body has up to five million hairs over its surface, except on the palms and soles. However, are too small to see.


Put words from LIST 1 into the first space in each sentence and put words from LIST 2 into the second space in each sentence to form logical sentences.

  •  LIST 1 : very little, very few, how much, the whole, how many
  •  LIST 2 : people, bacteria, information, equipment, study
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1. have become resistant to this antibiotic.

2. The research team has done well; was conducted meticulously.

3. Im afraid I have about the side effects of this drug.

4. is there in the new laboratory?

5. are expected to attend the meeting?