
Select the appropriate pronoun in each list and write it in the space.

That was the case of (one, her, all) three of Anne's children. She remembers learning about the condition after the birth of (her, his, them) oldest son Noah. (Them, They, Themselves) had jaundice, which is usually harmless and disappears within a week or two. The earliest signs of jaundice are seen on the scalp and the face and the whites of the eyes and then, as (they, it, we) moves down, you can have (it, her, its) further down in the body. Pediatricians advise parents to call (them, their, us) right away if their newborn is very yellow or orange. When necessary, infants with moderate jaundice can be treated with a technique called phototherapy. The light makes (her, him, it) easier for newborns to excrete bilirubin. Parents can treat their children (them, their, themselves) by feeding them more often.